When it comes to repairing overhead or vertical concrete surfaces, not all concrete repair materials are equal. UNIQUE® Overhead & Vertical Concrete Repair Mortar is a premium material for concrete patch repair because it offers superior, no-sag bonding.
Its polymer-modified strength ensures you’ll make safe, long-lasting repairs in a variety of challenging locations. Apply it to concrete, mortar, brick, stone and mortarless stack-and-bond block applications.
Concrete Patch Repair Application
How does our overhead concrete repair material outperform the rest? Watch the video to learn why contractors, homeowners, and thousands of satisfied customers choose UNIQUE for quick fixes and challenging repairs.
Benefits of Overhead & Vertical Concrete Mix
Achieve a strong, smooth repair job—despite the effects of gravity. Our vertical concrete mix dries quickly without shrinking, running, or cracking. As a leading-edge industry favorite, this specially-formulated concrete repair material looks great, too.
Other benefits include:
Multi-use – Interior or exterior use
Excellent Adhesion – To concrete surfaces and bond strength
Durable – Freeze-thaw resistant, Sulfate resistant, volume stable
Versatile – Applicable to virtually every vertical concrete application from featheredge to 4″
User-Friendly – Self-curing, easy clean up with water

How to Prepare Your Surface and Apply Vertical Concrete Mix
Although our concrete patch repair material has superior bonding agents, its strength is only as good as its application. Prior to using UNIQUE® Overhead & Vertical Concrete Repair Mortar, ensure the surface is properly prepared before beginning your concrete repair or refinishing job.
To get started, follow three simple steps:
- Inspect your concrete. The surface should be clean, sound, roughened, and free of grease, oil, coatings and other contaminants.
- Work from the bottom of the repair to the top. Firmly place UNIQUE® Overhead & Vertical Concrete Repair Mortar into the patch or on the surface area.
- For deep-fill areas, apply a stiff mortar in layers to achieve your desired thickness